To Step Back



Today a Facebook friend’s video popped up on my newsfeed and the words I heard were,


“What opportunity or gift is resting at your feet?”- Hannah Jermstad**


The message was delivered in such eloquence, as matter of fact than inquiry.  Truly, what if we surrender the belief that discovering our purpose is an act of labor?  What if the answers are right underneath the tip of the nose?

Often distracted by the mental chatter, destiny lies not in the mind but in the heart.  As I sip in these words and reflect, the desire to sit closer with my soul burns fiercely.

It has taken me months to get back in this space.  Frankly, writing words felt mechanical.  I would stare blankly at my screen, floundering to determine a blog topic and then scrutinizing verbiage.  I felt unsettled to express concepts such as yoga and living mindfully when, in essence, I have merely scratched the surface of these philosophies.

Tonight, Spirit whispered, Then stop playing teacher.

The clarity rolled in.  The real clarity, not the intuitive spiritual clarity. What I am seeing and revisiting is that spirituality has its shadows.  Before leading others through their darkness, we must be willing to face our own wounds.  If we are looking to heal through another’s path, we miss the precious gift to experience our own Divine unfolding.  This is one way that the mind tricks us into feeling powerful or giving the surface perspective of “having it all together”.  I speak this through direct experience as playing Teacher.

Another hard-hitter is learning to face the music here and now.  Maybe we are not pointing fingers at others, but instead living too deeply in the past or the future.  As someone who deeply empathizes and feels connected to intuition, I have noticed when my energy is taken away from current projects.  For me, it has meant spending excessive time planning, visualizing, worrying over “progress” or the constant need to do more… Life itself is the only thing we know to be true. Truth can only exist in the present moment (there is no past or future, it is all happening here…).

This is the gift.  It is what already is.  For once, I am ok being right here with life right now.  Everything is perfect.  I am learning the lessons that are necessary for my path.  I am given the tools to thrive.  Now the question lies, how do I go deeper?  What connects me to my roots? Here’s what’s come up:

  • Dive into Yoga > That “having it all together” perspective is about to all fall apart.  Finding mentors, getting on the mat every single day and embracing what shows up. Stepping into daily practice and meditating, even if the dark stuff comes up- hell, especially if the dark stuff comes up.
  • Stepping Back > Allowing others to take the lead. Staying curious in the methods of my peers and teachers. Not attaching to the result, being in the true experience. Seeing the bigger picture of it all.
  • Cultivate my Talents > The seeds are planted, it’s time to water them. The biggest barrier comes up in feelings of envy- not very fun to feel like you’re missing out or others are doing it “better”. My go-to mantra will be: Head down, humble warrior. You’re already shining.
  • Honor the Earth > Playing in nature. Nourishing the body, understanding myself as a direct source of Gaia.  Keeping the heart open to the collective community.

I bare my words and heart in humility as an offering to my path.  It is never easy to let others in on the deep secrets… though I have noticed one of my gifts is the ability to be vulnerable.  What is there to lose but the chance that others pass an opinion?  What is there to gain but the resonance of kindred souls, lifting the vibration of waking up and showing up fully?  I meditate on the latter and begin the process with mySelf.

The idea is to keep this communication fluid with less dictation and more freedom to express.  The words can be easy, while other times are stuck.  If you don’t hear from me, Spirit has both hands on the wheel.

Let’s do this.

To All My Relations,

Blessings and Light XO


** Hannah has an impeccable way with words and other offering to share, help a soul sister out and visit her pages:  |

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